Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About the JRC NRD 545
(But Were Afraid To Ask)
These tests were performed in CW mode, with the center frequency in the 545 set to 800 Hz.
9.99 kHz:
8.00 kHz:
6.00 kHz:
4.50 kHz:
2.40 kHz:
1.00 kHz:
0.50 kHz:
0.25 kHz:
0.10 kHz:
Now let's turn on sharp filtering
(set user option 32 to 0 instead of 1) and see what happens:
0.50 kHz Sharp:
0.25 kHz Sharp:
0.10 kHz Sharp:
The cutoff is definately very sharp, although listening to the audio, the ringing and phase
delay are very annoying, with that characteristic "watery sound" of too much filtering.