Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About the JRC NRD 545
(But Were Afraid To Ask)
The Noise Reduction (NR) button is one of the most controversial on the NRC 545.
What does it do?. The manual says "When noise reduction is activated, the audio signal
spectrum is enhanced, random signals such as noise are attenuated, and signal buried in
the noise are made to stand out so that they are audible."
Lots of people complain about the quality of the sound when NR is enabled.
Here is our famous AM 6kHz noise spectrum again:
Now here it is with NR enabled:
Lots of little peaks and valleys in the spectrum there. And the sound, well, it sounds kinda funny.
How about on a real signal?
Listen for yourself.
The beginning of the recording is without NR, then I enabled NR about half way through.
You can hear the gurgling and watery sound at first, when then gets a little better.
The noise is reduced, but I am not sure that I'd really enjoy listening to such audio for
any length of time.