Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About the JRC NRD 545
(But Were Afraid To Ask)
Here are some audio spectrum measurements from my Icom R-7000, for comparison:
FM Wide FM (2):
FM Narrow FM (1):
FMN Wide FMN (2):
FMN Narrow FMN (1):
I know the purpose of this site is to take a look at the JRC NRD-545, but I can't help but
comment on how poor these results look. They were so bad that I had two other R-7000 owners
check out their rigs. They got the same results.
The R-7000 selectivity specs in the front of the manual are as follows:
FM, AM Wide: 7.5 kHz @ -6 dB
FM, AM Narrow: 3.0 kHz @ -6 dB
FM Wide: 75.0 kHz @ -6 dB
SSB: 1.4 kHz @ -6 dB
Later on in the manual, they are spec'd as:
FM (1): 15 kHz
FM (2): 150 kHz
FMN (1): 6 kHz
FMN (2): 15 kHz