Morse Mania FAQ
Morse Code Tutor App
Learn Characters
Characters from the selected group(s) are sent. You can control the spacing, in seconds, between characters.
Guess Characters
Characters from the selected group(s) are sent. After each is sent, tap the corresponding character on the keyboard. If you guess correctly, the character will be displayed in black, otherwise in red. At the end of the exercise your score will be displayed. You can control the spacing, in seconds, between characters.
Copy Words
Randomly selected words will be sent for you to practice copying. You can specify either the number of words, or the approximate number of seconds to send.
Copy Groups
Randomly selected groups of characters will be sent for you to practice copying. You can specify either the number of words, or the approximate number of seconds to send. If Koch mode is on, the number of characters in each group is random, otherwise it will be five characters long.
Send QSO
A randomly generated QSO (conversation) will be sent for you to practice copying. There is a five second delay before sending, to give you time to get ready.
Key Sending
Tap the morse code key to practice sending. You will hear a tone, and Morse Mania will attempt to copy and display what you send. You need to send at approximately the speed (WPM) from the Settings.
Type Characters
Tap characters on the keyboard, and Morse Mania will send them.
You can adjust the volume and pitch of the generated audio. The speed in WPM (Words Per Minute) can also be set.
The groups of characters to practice can be set, usually you start with one group, then when you master it, add another.
Farnsworth mode, when enabled, will cause the code to be sent twice as fast, but with a longer delay between characters.
In Koch mode, only the specified characters are sent, normally you start with one character, and when you have mastered it, you add another.