HF Weather Fax lets you receive marine weather radiofascimile transmissions on your iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch, using the audio from your HF marine radio. Just set it next to the radio's speaker or headphones, tune in a weather fax frequency, and watch the images come in.
HF Weather Fax is perfect for mariners who want to be able to view the latest weather reports and forecasts.
Received fax images can be manually or automatically saved, and viewed later. You can also export them to your computer using iTunes.
There is also a built in copy of the NOAA/NWS Radiofacsimile schedule, and an option to download the latest copy of the schedule from the NWS website.
Buy your copy right now, and start decoding and displaying weather fax transmissions in minutes.
Visit the
HF Weather Fax FAQ
page for full details on how to use the app.
Are you looking for a technology or radio related iPhone/iPad app but can't find one that does
what you want? Have an idea for an app that you'd like to see? Contact us at info@blackcatsystems.com!