Decode Morse Code On Your iPad
Want to monitor morse code transissions, without using a bulky computer? Morse Pad lets you decode morse code transmissions on your iPad. Just set your iPad near a radio, tune in a morse code transmission, and watch the decoded text.
Enter in the morse code speed in WPM. Or you can turn on Auto WPM mode, and Morse Pad will try to determine the sending speed. Note that it may take take a moment for the app to determine the speed, or to adjust to changes in speed. You also need to enter the center frequency of the morse code audio, in Hz.
The spectrum display in the upper left corner shows the audio spectrum, with a red line drawn over the center frequency. This can be used as a tuning aid.
Buy your copy of Morse Pad right now, and start decoding and displaying morse code transmissions in minutes.
Visit the
Morse Pad FAQ
page for full details on how to use the app.
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