You can download a copy of DX Toolbox, and try it out for
yourself! Just click on one of the download links below:
DX ToolBox has dozens of windows providing a wealth of important information about
current and forecasted radio, solar, and geomagnetic conditions. Take a look at some
DX Toolbox screenshots to see just a few of them. Or better yet,
download a free copy
to try out.
In addition, the last month's worth of Solar Flux, A-Index, K-Index, Sun Spot Number,
and solar flares are plotted. Audio alerts can be generated when solar flares,
aurora, or disturbed geomagnetic conditions exist or are likely.
Graphs of x-ray flux readings from the GOES satellites may also be displayed.
Current and recent Space Weather Alert messages can be displayed.
A grayline map of the world is also available. Radio propagation between locations within the
grayline region of the world is often greatly enhanced. DX Toolbox's grayline map makes
it easy for you to determine where those locations are. Grayline propagation has been used
by expert ham radio operators and DXers for years to catch elusive stations.
You can have the location of the currently transmitting NCDXF/IARU beacon displayed on the
map as well. These beacons are run by ham radio operators around the world, and can be used
to determine radio propagation conditions between your location and that part of the world.
You can also plot the great circle (both short and long) path between your location and another
station, and compute distance, as well as the beam heading.
Radio propagation conditions can also be estimated between two points on the Earth.
21 maps of current D Layer Absorption levels are available for display
A database of about 12,000 SWBC (shortwave broadcast) transmissions can be displayed and searched.
Several third party SDR apps (presently SDRuno, SDR#, Elad SW2, and SdrDx)
can be controlled via the SWBC Schedules window. Just double click on a
transmission, and your receiver will be changed to that frequency.
Likewise, tune in a station on SdrDx, and the SWBC Schedules window will automatically update to
show all possible stations that you could be listening to, with transmissions currently on the
air highlighted in bold.
DX ToolBox uses an FCC database to display US and foreign AM (MW) stations on a map, as well some information about them.
Double clicking on a station on the map will bring up a line of text with information about that station. You can also search for stations,
as well as do a "fuzzy" search. Say you heard a callsign, but there's the chance you misheard one of the letters. C sounds a lot like E, for example.
With the fuzzy search option enabled, similar letters will be checked as well. A list of all possible matching stations for the specified frequency will be displayed.
Grid square locations may be determined, as well as looked up on a map, which also shows the world's time zones.
Maps showing auroral levels, as well as the maximum F layer frequency (related to MUF)
over various parts of the world are also displayed. Real-time images of the Sun from the SOHO
satellite are also available.
Prediction of Jupiter Radio Bursts/Storms can be calculated and displayed.
These storms can be heard on the upper end of the shortwave band.
You can also connect to your favorite DX Cluster, to read and send DX tips in real time.
The following radio propagation reports and forecasts are available:
WWV Geophysical Alert
27 Day Space Outlook
45 Day AP Forecast
Geomagnetic Data
Daily Geomagnetic Data
Daily Particle Data
Daily Solar Data
Daily Magnetometer Analysis Reports
Hourly Magnetometer Analysis Reports
Predicted Sunspot Numbers and Radio Flux
Report of Solar-Geophysical Activity
Solar and Geophysical Activity Summary
Solar Region Summary
Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
Current Space Weather Indices
Space Weather Event Reports
Daily Space Weather Indices
Summary of Space Weather Observations
3-day Space Weather Predictions
SEC Space Weather Alerts
Be sure to read our
HF Shortwave Radio Propagation Information
tutorial for information about how shortwave propagation works.
DX Toolbox is available for Mac OS X 10.10.5 through macOS 14 Sonoma, and Windows 8 / 10 / 11.
DX Toolbox requires an active internet connection while it is running for accessing most
data; propagation forecasting can be done "off-line".
DX ToolBox can communicate with other applications, such as SDR software as well as radio tuning programs.
This lets you tune your radio from within DX ToolBox, such as by clicking on an entry in the SWBC window.
Also, third party applications can query the SWBC database inside DX ToolBox, to display information.
Read the
DX ToolBox Inter-Application Protocol
page for more information.
Note: The Space Weather Prediction Center, the NOAA government agency that
provides much of the online data used by DX Toolbox, has changed most of the
data sources.
Version 6.2.2 and later of DX Toolbox accommodate these changes. It is available on the
download page
I'm seriously impressed with DX Toolbox as well as your other programs. The Toolbox is the best bargain out there for both the casual and serious listener in all modes and bands.
- Christopher VA3ITV
The current version of DX Toolbox is 6.4.0
DX Toolbox is only $29.99!