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Black Cat HF Weather FaxTune your shortwave radio to a weather fax transmission and feed the audio into your computer's sound card input, and start receiving and displaying weather fax images in minutes. Black Cat HF Weather Fax integrates with the SDRPlay SDRUno software package via the free Black Cat Systems plugin. Instructions for configuring both are available on this page. Control of SdrDx, SdrSharp and Elad SW2 is also built in. A schedule of worldwide weather fax transmissions is available here: rfax.pdf Buy Your Copy of Black Cat HF Weather Fax TodayStart decoding HF Weather Fax transmissions in just minutes!Black Cat HF Weather Fax is only $24.99, which entitles you to all updates and new versions released over the next full year, free of charge, which of course you can continue to use forever.
Free To Try!Not sure you're ready to buy Black Cat HF Weather Fax? You can download a fully featured copy to try out, before you buy it.Download a copy of Black Cat HF Weather Fax version 2.3.0 for Windows 8, 10, 11: https://www.blackcatsystems.com/download/HFFAX_app_windows.zip (February 24, 2024)
Download a copy of Black Cat HF Weather Fax version 2.3.0 for macOS 10.10 through 12 Monterey, 64 Bit Application: https://www.blackcatsystems.com/download/HFFAX_app.zip (February 24, 2024) A virtual audio cable/driver is required for use with SDR programs. We have a list of third party programs here.
Beta Versions:Remember these are betas, and updates can break things. When downloading a new copy, please keep your existing copy, in case you need to go back to it.Black Cat HF Weather Fax version 2.3.1b1 for Windows 8,10, 11: https://www.blackcatsystems.com/download/HFFAX_app_windows_beta.zip (October 3, 2024) Black Cat HF Weather Fax version 2.3.1b1 for macOS 10.9.5 through 11, 64 Bit Application: https://www.blackcatsystems.com/download/HFFAX_app_beta.zip (October 3, 2024) If macOS complains it cannot open the app, right click the app icon, and select Open.
Email your comments and questions to info@blackcatsystems.com Last modified October 3, 2024